You might have seen and climbed different mountains before which are located at different parts of the world. But when you are looking for a more prominent mountain climbing experience, you should always go for the Mt Kilimanjaro. This mountain is located at the African country Tanzania. This is the most majestic mountain that you are going to climb next. But before that you should know a few things about this mountain. The very first thing you need to know is the right route that you can follow to reach for the mountain top easily. at the same time, you also need to get the right kind of gears that you will need during such tour. You also need to have the best guide who can bring right kind of suggestion for you during such an adventure tour. To get all these things, you should take help of the leading tour company that arranges the Tanzania Kilimanjaro and safari adventure tour now. Such a tour agency is going to bring every possible help for you so that your climbing or hiking tour to the Mt Kilimanjaro can become less hassling and more enjoyable.
· Climb this mountain as well

There is another mountain located at this part of the world which you will surely love to climb or hike. Mount Meru climb is going to bring sheer fun and adventure for you. This is another mountain that draws attention of the foreign tourists coming to Tanzania.
· See the African wildlife
When you are in the African country Tanzania, you are always going to get the genuine chance to watch the African wildlife closely.